
to be revision of UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00141/rev.??

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Annex 5

UN SEC Rev Policy Documents List Page


Originating Office      Untied Nations Secretariat  - UN-Sec




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UN-Sec-SGB 2004-Dec-16  

 Use of information and communication technology resources and data  -Secretary-General’s bulletin enter into force on 1 December 2004.* Note on cover page: The present bulletin includes a commentary on certain provisions,

 Sections = Definitions;  Conditions applicable to use of  resources and data;  Official use; Limited personal use; Prohibited activities; Rights in ICT resources; protection of technical integrity and performance of  resources; Monitoring and investigations;  Registered as UN/CS/RAI/USAA/DB01/2004-00192

Circulate in Secretariat as: ST/SGB/2004/15

Refers also within  to ST/SGB/272, ST/AI/326 and ST/AI/189/Add.16. [issuances on info classified /restricted.]
