UNPOs Common Service    WGARM Working Group on Archives and Records Management


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Field Advice - in progress as requested

Main items of Field Advice on hold pending results of Digital Archives and Appraisal Decision Assistance Projects

Information on Participating Organizations [UN POs]         [UN New York Secretariat, Funds and Programmes]
  • Piloting in UNICEF Assisted Programmes -Draft to evaluate effectiveness and how to improve design and implementation. Possible lessons learned for designing DAP pilot implementations. Test strategies, interventions, and policy options UN-CS-RAI-USAA-DB01-2005-00065

 Draft to be revisited and updated based on experience with pilots in 2005-2008

Contents:   1*Background ,     2*Introduction,   3*Common Services Approach.     4*Records/Document/Information and Archive Management Programme,    5*Records/Document/Information Management Work plan,   6* RDIAM Proposal,   7*WGARM Role,    8*Conclusion.

Annex 1 - Sample Work Plan (Generic);   Annex 2 - Sample Project (Record Series Identification);  Annex 3 – Action Plan (Record Series Identification)

Previous Projects




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Information on Participating Organizations [UN POs]         [UN New York Secretariat, Funds and Programmes]

UNDP United Nations Fund for Development [was UN Development Programme]
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund [was UN Fund for Populations Activities?]
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund [was UN International Children's Emergency Fund]
UNOPS United Nations Office of Project Services [was.
UN-Sec United Nations Secretariat
CSTF / WGARM Common Services Taskforce/Working Group on Archives and Records Management
Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures and Standards
Sample Record Series Lists& Forms
Global File Title & Classification Plans and Codes
Sample Retention & Destruction Schedules
Training Materials
Projects:& Consultancies
POs Organization Structure
Meeting Agendas, Status Reports & Recommendations
WGARM Members